
We need more citizen leaders and less career politicians in St. Paul. Gene Dornink is running for Senate to build a stronger business climate, a more durable healthcare system, and mostly, build a bridge between the state capitol and its citizens, so your voice will be heard!
As your State Senator, Gene will fight for these issues:

Protecting and defending human life, from the unborn to the elderly.

I cannot imagine not having even one of my children.

Promoting pro-business policies, especially for the small businesses in our communities.

Our communities need to grow within, and I will sponsor any bill that will help make that happen.

Supporting real healthcare reform.

Let’s make Minnesota the nation’s leader once again with a healthcare plan that makes sense for everyone.

Standing up for our farmers and agribusiness, who continue to suffer under high taxes and over-regulation.

Our farmers are in the middle of hard times. Let’s not delay supporting them.

Promoting more responsible spending in St. Paul.

Overspending at the capital needs to stop. Let’s take care of current obligations before spending more money we don’t have!

Reducing burdensome government regulation.

It’s time to stop talking and start eliminating excessive regulations.

Improving education by restoring control to the local district.

Our teachers and parents understand the needs better than St. Paul.

Protecting the Second Amendment. Gene supports our right to keep and bear arms and is a concealed carry permit holder.

The right to keep and bear arms is counted among those fundamental rights necessary to our system of ordered liberty.

1 Bill, 1 Vote: No more “mega” bills with embedded bad policies.

By isolating one issue per vote, we will promote a simpler, more cooperative legislative system. Our constituents will know exactly what we voted for or against based on the merit of each bill.